Wednesday, May 4, 2011

couldn't love her more

I love this baby girl. Thank you to Kate for snapping this picture. It's one of my very favorite. This was taken at London's 1st birthday party.  Definitely the cutest 1st birthday party I've ever been to. 


  1. She is a PERFECT doll! i love her!

  2. She is seriously SO CUTE!

    I love her squishy cheeks (and her eyes, her laugh/smile, her skin complex etc...she's basically perfect).

  3. I LOVE this picture. You both are babes!

  4. Seriously.... I can't get enough of her. She really just keeps getting cuter

  5. court. you're S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G.


    can we be friends?

  6. oh shoot. just did the EXACT same thing to victoria, sorry.

    this is remi.

  7. She is so beautiful and I want to hold her. Her eyes are captivating.

  8. Whoa! She is a perfect blend of you and Christian! Sometimes I see Christian in her, then I blink and see you! Sooooo cute!

  9. hi there courtney! Ok this is so random I know. But I found your blog somehow...and I was like "i know that girl from somewhere" and it dawned on me...we sat next to each other a while back at a BYU volleyball game. I can't remember if its my cousin BJ that you know?! Is that it? Anyways just wanted to say hi! And if you don't remember me no biggy but also congrats on your baby girl. She is just precious. Precious. Precious!
