Monday, May 7, 2012

too big

she's all of a sudden old. 
to me, at least. 

she is so silly
so sweet
gives kisses
loves her "bi-bi" (blankie) and "bi-bi" (binky) more than anything in the world
loves dada 
and mama
and we love her so much we could die.


  1. I'm dying right now too. This pictures is the cutest thing I have ever seen! We love her! xo

  2. You're right...she's getting too big. She looks like a little girl. NH can't come soon enough!!! Will we see you before then? Heaven is right around the corner....

    I love you!

  3. SHE'S HUGE! AND BEAUTIFUL!! She looks so much bigger than she did a few weeks ago when I was there. It's crazy how fast they grow! Love you guys!

  4. wow! She really is getting big! She is SO cute. That smile!!! Hope you are well :)

  5. She is so darling!! Isn't crazy how one day you look at them and they are so much older!?!? It's exciting and sad all at once!
