The title of this post says way too much. It says, "yep, Courtney, you gave in. You did exactly what you said you weren't going to do when you found out you were pregnant." - " I will never let my child's birthday get overlooked because it is right around Christmas!!! NEVER!" But I did. We ate cake. Thats what we did. I was going to have a birthday party, but I thought "Who honestly wants to come to ANOTHER party 2 seconds after Christmas?? NO ONE. so opted out. And did I get good pics of her bday? NOPE. Didn't do that either. I don't even have one pic of my daughter wearing a birthday hat that says "1". Wait, correction, I didn't even HAVE a 1 year old birthday hat, nor did I take a pic of her wearing it. Wow, I'm starting to be sad about this a little bit. BUT you know what?? OH WELL. She is happy, and we're happy, and thats all that matters. But I am promising to myself, that next year, and every year after that- she will have great birthdays and she will know that the day she came to our lives was the greatest day we've ever known.

The Jensen's (my SIL's family) were nice enough to invite us for Christmas Eve dinner.
We really had a great Christmas season, but not too many pictures to prove it. Why do I stink so much at taking pictures??? Maybe I'll make that my new year's resolution next year!