Not kidding. I love Taylor Swift on a whole new level after going to her concert. Was 80% of the audience made up of 12-14 year old girls? yes. Did I feel stupid for screaming JUST as loud (if not louder) and high (if not higher) than they did for the entire 2 1/2 HOURS that she was playing. NOT. AT. ALL. I'm not kidding, it was a highlight of my life. If you haven't been to one of her concerts, I highly recommend finding some tickets before her tour is over.
Luckily, I had some really great company, which was a HUGE plus. I could hardly sit through dinner-the anticipation of the night was about KILLING me. - and I'm serious.

simply magical.
She was playing "long live" at this point and rocking out on her be-dazzled guitar. It was the highlight of the night for me, I think. (its hard to say...)
sparks fly.
(again) BEST. NIGHT. EVER.
(thanks to Dayna for all the pics from the night)